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Statistical release published on 15 February, providing core numbers for the 2024 January Equal Consideration application deadline and graphical illustrations of key trends.

This release includes reports covering different characteristics of applicants (including domicile, age, gender, Indices of Multiple Deprivation and POLAR4 quintile) and provision type (including country of provider). In addition to the interactive tool above we’ve produced CSV files containing the data reported. 

Further information

Technical notes and definitions are available above in the help section of the dashboard.

The National Statistics Postcode Lookup (NSPL) was updated in August 2023, so some attributes derived from applicant postcode may not match previous releases.

In the 2024 application cycle, UCAS' gender classification was broadened to include new categories, which are included in UCAS' reporting. Application rates are currently only reported for men and women, due to the availability of population estimates for these two groups, and unavailability of population estimates for other groups. No attempt has been made to redistribute figures in the numerators or denominators of the application rates by gender. Given this, the application rates reported from the 2024 cycle onwards for men and women are lower than their true values.

On 26 April 2024, CSV files containing figures for nursing, midwifery and teacher training by ethnic group were added to the sector-level CSV files below.

CSV reports are available below:

2024 January deadline applicant statistics CSV files (5.18 MB)


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