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How to find and apply to UK universities | UCAS

How to find and apply to UK universities

Searching for the right universities to apply to can be overwhelming.

We ask some first year students for their advice on how to pick a university, applying through UCAS, writing your personal statement, interview tips, and more.

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International students

Discover everything you need to know as an international students planning to come to the UK. Whether you're coming for the first time, returning for postgraduate, or are still waiting to make a decision, our info below can help you prepare as best you can for life in the UK.

International students

Degree or degree apprenticeship?

Traditional degree or an apprenticeship?

Stuck about what to do? There's plenty of options, and an undergraduate degree isn't the only choice. Watch what these students think about how to pick the right path for you.

What to do

Jon, studying Psychology at the University of Glasgow

I think when you're picking your subjects or choosing whether to go to university or not, there's so many decisions you feel you have to make at once and you feel like you have to have your whole life planned out, but actually there's so many ways of choosing different things as you go or, if you find one door's closed, opening another.

Victoria, Apprentice in CAD design

The main benefits of doing an apprenticeship over uni is that you're...earning a decent wage, as well as getting a degree, if that's the apprenticeship route you go down. You also don't get left alone. You don't have to deal with your independency. You always have people to support you and you can have a social life as well as working.

The pros and cons of university

Thinking about your next steps and wondering whether uni is right for you? We cover the pros and cons to help you decide.
Pros and cons of university

Where to go

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