This release includes reports in the same format as previous cycles, covering different characteristics of applicants (including domicile, age, and sex) and provision type (including country of provider and subject) and new reports covering Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) or Multiple Deprivation Measure (MDM) for each UK country. In addition to the PDFs we’ve produced CSV files containing the data reported within these releases and an interactive tool to explore the data.
For this cycle, we have also introduced a new subject report using the Common Aggregation Hierarchy (CAH). This new report groups 2019 cycle courses using their Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) codes into the CAH.
We have produced a subset of the sector reports for applicants to nursing courses (within subject group ‘B7’). These reports include applicants who have made at least one choice to a ‘B7’ nursing course. The CSV files for these reports do not contain rows for which the value rounds to zero. This is to avoid identification of small numbers.
The primary set of statistics covers all applications in the UCAS Undergraduate scheme:
Summary statistics of applicants (341.56 KB)
Analysis of applicants by domicile (363.09 KB)
Analysis of applicants by sex and age (465.24 KB)
Analysis of applicants by reapplication status (331.67 KB)
Analysis of applicants by applications (346.71 KB)
Analysis of applicants by type and country of provider (389.81 KB)
Analysis of applicants by subject group and applicant domicile (431.31 KB)
Analysis of applicants by single age (874.31 KB)
Analysis of applicants by subject group and sex (567.95 KB)
Analysis of applicants by ethnic group (382.47 KB)
UK 18 year old application rates (327.38 KB)
Analysis of applicants by POLAR4 quintile (377.96 KB)
Analysis of applicants by English IMD 2015 quintile (330.17 KB)
Analysis of applicants by Northern Ireland MDM 2017 quintile (329.79 KB)
Analysis of applicants by Scottish IMD combined quintiles (330.04 KB)
Analysis of applicants by Welsh IMD 2014 quintile (329.53 KB)
Analysis of applicants by Common Aggregation Hierarchy (330.98 KB)
CSVs of the primary set of reports (715.73 KB)
The additional reports cover nursing applicants:
Summary statistics of nursing applicants (341.1 KB)
Analysis of nursing applicants by sex and age (462.57 KB)
UK 18 year old application rates to nursing (327.55 KB)
CSVs of all the nursing reports (46.01 KB)