The Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers 2021

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Economics as a gateway to a wide range of career options

Tuesday 2 February 2021 12:00 – 12:50
Open to all


Economics graduates are highly sought after and have a wide range of quantitative and qualitative skills. The subject can be used alongside a wide range of other disciplines, such as Geography, Criminology or History.

This session will discuss some of the misconceptions about the subject. There is a popular view that economics graduates only go into a narrow range of jobs, such as City jobs or accountancy. Some students are looking for jobs in the Third Sector (i.e. charity sector) or other roles where they can make a difference to society. There are jobs, such as health economists, which they will not have heard of. This session will also give you information about Economics as way to keep students’ options open.

Economics degrees are unusual as you do not need to have studied Economics to apply. However, mathematical ability is essential. Unfortunately, some universities choose to give the impression that this is not the case. This session will give you some discussion points for dealing with students who are keen on Economics but not on Maths.