International Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

Date and location
This event has now finished

Kathy Thompson

Deputy Head of Admissions, University of Leicester


Kathy has worked in admissions at the University of Leicester since 2008. One of the responsibilities of her current role is to oversee the planning and delivery of Clearing operations each summer, including co-managing the call centre. Over the years, this has grown from a team of 15 telephony staff in 2011, to its current format: a call centre with 100+ call handlers across several teams. Prior to this, Kathy worked in admissions and recruitment roles for eight years at Staffordshire University.
Thursday 4 June 2020 14:20

Confirmation, Clearing, and Adjustment: The basics (for those who are newer to the role of advising students)

Friday 5 June 2020 11:25

Overcoming the challenges of Confirmation and Clearing