International Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

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Nicola Turner

Senior Fair Access Adviser , UCAS


Nicola joined UCAS in 2016, and oversees the team’s policy work on widening access and participation, schools and careers education. She co-ordinates UCAS’ work to support under-represented and disadvantaged groups, working collaboratively with expert organisations to develop information and advice for students and advisers, and good practice resources for HE providers. She recently authored Starting the conversation, UCAS’ first report on student mental health and is exploring how UCAS can work with the sector to create a culture of positive disclosure.

Nicola is a former secondary English teacher and Head of PSHE and careers education. Before joining UCAS, she completed an MSc in Information Management from UWE Bristol where her dissertation researched the information and digital literacy skills of sixth formers progressing to higher education, and was awarded the 2017 CILIP Harry Galloway Prize. 

Thursday 4 June 2020 13:15

Student well-being