International Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference 2020 – CANCELLED

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Making an application to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge – for inexperienced advisers or those new to their role

Thursday 4 June 2020 13:15
Introductory – new staff or new to role


Aimed at those who are newer to the role of advising students about applying to Oxford and Cambridge.

This session will explain what the universities of Oxford and Cambridge offer, with a particular focus on how they differ from other UK and international universities. It will provide an insight into student life at the two providers, and how to identify ‘good fit’ students who are likely to get the most out of the distinctive education system offered. It’ll also provide detailed advice on how applicants and their guidance counsellors and advisers can maximise their chances of success, in a highly selective and competitive system.

There will be an emphasis on the aspects of an Oxford or Cambridge applicant's preparation that most heavily influence their prospects of success, such as choosing the right programme of study, meeting the academic entry requirements, engaging in wider reading and revision, or other preparation in advance of any interviews, tests, or written assessments.

Common pitfalls that undermine applications will be explored. The presenters will attempt to dismantle some myths about the universities and their selection procedures, and may explain more about their international student recruitment activities.

Learning outcomes

  • The differences between Oxford and Cambridge, and other universities,
  • About student life at Oxford and Cambridge.
  • How to identify a ‘good fit’ student for Oxford or Cambridge.
  • How students can maximise their chances of success in a selective and competitive system.
  • More about effective preparation, and common application pitfalls.