Let them chat to the experts!
Posted Wed 6 November 2019 - 10:11

Whether it’s location, course content, or how close the nearest shopping centre is that has your students undecided, they can now talk directly with the experts to get the answers.

We know the value peer-to-peer conversations have, so we’ve teamed up with Unibuddy to give your students the chance to talk to current undergraduates about their first-hand experiences.

With almost three quarters of students surveyed saying they would’ve found visiting more unis useful when researching their choices, our partnership with Unibuddy gives all students the opportunity to gain valuable insight into what life is really like at uni or college.

To start chatting, your students need to:

  1. Sign up to the UCAS Hub (if they haven’t already).
  2. Select the ‘Unibuddy’ tile.
  3. Filter by course, uni, or home country.
  4. Start chatting!

New to Unibuddy? Here’s what you need to know…

Who are Unibuddy?

Unibuddy’s founder was a student trying to make his own uni choices. Since 2017, two hundred universities worldwide have used the Unibuddy service on their own sites, putting peer-to-peer conversation at the heart of their experience.

On ucas.com, students will be using this resource earlier, and then right through their decision-making. We know students often come to UCAS before choosing their shortlist of universities, so talking to existing students at a number of universities who are studying a range of subjects provides the opportunity for better, earlier, and more personal research.

How do my students access it?

It can be accessed on ucas.com. We’ve ensured there are links on all the key pages across the site, and it is also a tile within the UCAS Hub.

Are all unis and colleges on it?

Not yet. We’ve already got a range of universities and subjects on there, but our focus is on building the number on the site to give students even more choice. As a university or college comes on board, their ambassadors will appear on the platform.

Who picks the ambassadors?

The universities choose their own ambassadors, and are able to monitor their activity. Training is provided through Unibuddy, and a number of features enable both the ambassador and the student researching to get the most out of the conversation.

Students receive notifications when an ambassador has replied to a question, and students are completely in control of the conversations they have and when.

Are the chats monitored, and if so by who?

Unibuddy and the universities themselves have a monitoring system which protects all the students involved. Because all the conversations are held through the platform itself, it can be carefully controlled.

Who do I need to report issues to?

If you have any queries about Unibuddy on ucas.com, please contact the Schools Team.

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