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Strengthen bonds with your applicants during the moments that matter, building the trust they need to make your institution first choice. Discover your biggest conversion drop-off points to improve future performance. Learn why they chose you, or crucially, why they chose another university or college over you.

Understand your audience

Students tell us why they choose you as their firm choice, or why they decline you in favour of another provider. Find out your strengths and weaknesses in your Student Decision Reports.

Think smart for your future

Identify and plug your biggest drop-off points through our Leaky Hosepipe Solution. Benchmark against competitors and discover new prospects through EXACT. We can help you create smart strategies. 

Access bespoke consultancy

Tap into our data scientist and consultancy teams to help you make sense of the numbers – so you can focus on what matters most. Reach the right students for your university or college.

Sunderland Penshaw Monument
What our partners say

“Our Account Manager acts with us as a partner which is great, and we bounce ideas and strategies off her. She ensures we are kept up to date with UCAS research and developments and understands our needs as a University.” 

University of Sunderland 

How students make decisions

As your applicants respond to your offers, get real-time feedback from our Student Decision Reports. It's the only way to understand why students did (or didn't) choose you, helping you to focus your recruitment strategies. Plus the option for a Competitor Package – five-year reviews of your offer holder's feedback, compared to that of your competitors.

Student Decision Reports

How to improve your conversion

adviser talking to student
An engaged audience

Actively searching for the course and university that’s right for them, students trust what we say and are highly engaged with our communications.

  • 7.3% average conversion rate from email to application
  • 6.5% average conversion rate across all trackable channels

Statistics are from campaigns delivered in the 2022 cycle and student journey emails for pre-applicants.

Increase applications through Extra and Clearing

Late applications and mind changers were 22% of the overall market in 2022. We can help you reach these students with engaging post-deadline Extra and Clearing recruitment campaigns.

Extra  Clearing