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At UCAS, we know students. We are the start of university life for applicants to go to university and provide a helping hand as they move through searching, finding, applying and confirming their university of choice.

They came, they saw, they rented

We can help accommodation providers to target students as they consider where and how they want to live when they study.

From the moment they decide uni is for them to the day they get their confirmed offer, we can find the student that wants to make your accommodation their home. 

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Talk to the team about how we can use our data to optimise your campaign.

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Accommodation is the 3rd biggest driver of university selection

Student digs used to mean thread-bare rooms and shared bathrooms. Now, the right living space is a huge part of student life and decision-making. We're with our audience from their first steps to finding their feet - let us help your accommodation stand out with students.

Download our accommodation media pack
Download our Clearing 2024 media pack

With UCAS you can


Invest in the future of higher education as part of your ESG strategy

We guide and inspire generations, unveiling new education choices and opening up exciting career opportunities. By working with us, you're investing in this too. That's because 100% of profits from commercial activities go directly back into the UCAS charity to improve what we do. 

We have a strong ethics framework – we’ll only work with organisations who align with our values. That's why our audiences trust us.


Brands we work with

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