In the third chapter, our contributors consider the contours of an increasingly competitive HE landscape, and we can support students in progressing. Transparency is a critical lens in this section — between students and HE providers regarding expectations, requirements, and experiences, between HE providers and employers looking to address skills gaps, and between regulators and the HE and training sector, as we look to cater for an increasingly diverse student population.
We believe that UCAS has a central role to play in supporting students in understanding this challenging new terrain and making the best choices for them across the full range of options including undergraduate and apprenticeships, and we go onto discuss this further in the next chapter.
Nicola Dandridge, Professor of Higher Education Policy, University of Bristol
What does the Journey to a Million mean for the nature of competition in higher education?
Mike Nicholson, Director of Recruitment, Admissions and Participation, University of Cambridge
What does the Journey to a Million mean for a more competitive admissions landscape?
Joy Elliott-Bowman, Director of Policy and Development, Independent Higher Education (IHE)
How can diversifying providers help meet the challenge of a Journey to a Million?