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UCAS Teacher Training end of cycle 2016 data resources

Our detailed data resources are published at the end of each application cycle.

The header page in the PDF version of each data resource includes definition notes for the variables and statistics in that data resource.

The  definitions document (201.19 KB) also contains further information on the specification used in the end of cycle data resources.

Coverage of UCAS Teacher Training data

For people living in England and Wales, UCAS Teacher Training covers the overwhelming majority of postgraduate initial teacher training programmes. Statistics relating to these countries in the data resources can be taken as being close to all recruitment to postgraduate initial teacher training programmes. The data tables cover applications to providers in England, Wales, and Scotland (for the 2014 cycle only).

In 2015, around 120 courses at providers in Scotland that were previously part of the UCAS Teacher Training scheme moved into the UCAS Undergraduate scheme. The numbers for providers in Scotland in 2015 and later recorded through the UCAS Undergraduate scheme will include those which were previously part of UCAS Teacher Training – estimated to be around 2,000 acceptances per year, mostly aged 21 or over. 

Key statistics

  2014 2015 2016
Acceptances 28,170 27,880 25,955
Applicants 54,125 47,185 46,000

Applicants – groups of applicants

Provisions – types of initial teacher training programme

Records of Prior Acceptance (RPAs)

Data resources that report total applicants or acceptances may include very late acceptances that are recorded through the Record of Prior Acceptance entry route. The number of these acceptances can vary from cycle to cycle, as seen in the resources which are split by the Apply route that they were accepted through.

Data resources which report on Apply 1 applications only do not include RPAs. 

Disclosure control   

Numbers in the data resources are rounded to the nearest five. Each number is rounded independently, so the sum of rounded categories may not add to the rounded sum of those categories, within or between data resources.

The listing of a category in an output table does not imply that data was recorded for that category. The CSV data files only contain data items that are not rounded to zero. The omission of a category in these data files does not imply the unrounded total was zero.