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Take a look at how courses are delivered, find out more about conservatoires, and compare them.

    Compare course content

    When you search for courses, read through the details to see if you like what’s on offer and how it’s taught.

    • Who are the tutors and are they experts in areas you want to gain experience in?
    • What’s the balance between practical training, lectures, seminars and performances?
    • What performance opportunities and masterclasses are available?
    • What professional and industry links does the conservatoire have?


    Applying for multiple courses?

    There’s often no need to apply for more than one course at any particular conservatoire.

    • If you’re applying for music courses, you can choose either a joint course (50/50), a major/minor course (75/25) or you can provide two options, either of which you’d be happy to study.
    • If you want to apply for several subjects for the same instrument or discipline, just mention one on your UCAS Conservatoires application, then contact the conservatoire directly to mention your interest in other courses (stating your name and the Personal ID we’ll email you after you’ve submitted your application to us).

    Not sure what courses you’re qualified for?

    Check with the conservatoire. If there’s uncertainty over which will be the most suitable, just apply for the highest level course you’re interested in, then the conservatoire will be able to make a final decision at the audition or interview stage.

    Compare conservatoires and locations

    There are a few ways you can research conservatoires – read their websites and prospectuses, or speak to them at conservatoire open days.

    • What creative arts do they specialise in?
    • Can you get experience in or payment for public performances?
    • Do they have facilities or societies you’d want to join?
    • How near home, a city centre or the countryside are they?

        Check conservatoire reviews

        As well as talking through your ideas with family, friends, teachers or advisers, you can find other opinions online.

        • Get the student viewpoint at Unistats for subject and conservatoire reviews.
        • Read conservatoire reviews from The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
        • Check specialist league tables that rank course providers. Make sure you check the sources though, as some are biased. The Guardian, The Times and The Complete University Guide are some of the more impartial places to look.