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As of midnight, 28,700 Scottish applicants have been accepted to higher education so far this year through UCAS; an increase of 410 people, up 1% compared to Scottish results day in 2016. 27,830 of these have been placed at a Scottish university.
Posted Tue 8 August 2017 - 07:25

The UCAS statistics cover full-time undergraduates at most universities and colleges in the UK, but do not include undergraduate courses in most further education colleges in Scotland. 

The overall number of acceptances at Scottish providers has also seen a year-on-year increase from 34,620 on Scottish results day in 2016, to 34,750 this year. A wider analytical overview is available within the Daily Clearing Analysis: Overview publication.

Scottish domiciled applicants are the majority of placed applicants at Scottish providers, contributing 27,830 of 34,750 total placed applicants at Scottish providers. This year has seen a 2% increase in the number of Scottish domiciled applicants placed at Scottish providers on Scottish results day. The number of Scottish domiciled applicants who are placed at English providers at this point is 830, compared to 860 at this time last year.

There are 2,040 placed applicants from ‘Not EU’ (an increase of 200, 11%) and 3,370 from the ‘EU (excluding UK)’ (a decrease of 480, 12%) domicile groups at Scottish providers. More information can be found within the Daily Clearing Analysis: Country publication.

Most of the increase in Scottish applicants placed at providers has come from older age groups, continuing the year-on-year increases in those Scottish domiciled applicants aged 25 and over, with an increase of 440 (9%) since last year.

There are 12,430 placed Scottish 18-year-old applicants. This is a decrease of 1% from last year, but when set against this year’s smaller population of Scottish 18 year olds, the proportion of young people entering higher education, the ‘entry rate’, has increased from 21.3% last year to 21.7%. This is the highest level recorded on Scottish results day. More information can be found within the Daily Clearing Analysis: Age publication.

The Scottish index of multiple deprivation (SIMD) is a classification of small areas within Scotland based on measures of deprivation. This year the SIMD statistics are reported using the newest version (SIMD16), which was released last year.

For Scottish applicants of all ages there are 4,150 (an increase of 470, 13%) placed from the most deprived areas (SIMD quintile 1), representing 14.4% of all Scottish applicants placed through UCAS today.

This cycle has continued a recent trend of a reducing difference in entry rates between those in the most deprived areas (SIMD quintile 1) and the least (SIMD quintile 5). The entry rate for young people living in the most deprived areas has increased from 8.7% to 10.1% and the least deprived areas has changed from 36.4% to 34.9%. Young people living in the least deprived areas are 3.5 times more likely to enter higher education at 18, compared to 4.2 times last year.r. More information can be found within the Daily Clearing Analysis: SIMD publication.

There are 11,140 men and 17,560 women placed from Scotland on Scottish Results day, a decrease of 220 and an increase of 620 from last year respectively. For 18 year olds from Scotland there are 5,040 men and 7,390 women, decreases of 110 and 10 from last year respectively.

Scottish results day is an important statistical reference point as a large majority of Scottish applicants are placed by this day. More Scottish applicants will be placed at providers throughout the UK over the coming weeks, typically more than 5,000, which will change these results.

More statistics on acceptances from Scotland, and to Scottish providers, will be available in the full set of UCAS Daily Clearing Analysis statistics published daily from 17 August.

Notes to editors

About UCAS: UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, is a charity and the UK’s shared admissions service for higher education. We manage applications from over 700,000 applicants each year, for full-time undergraduate courses at around 380 universities and colleges across the UK.

UCAS Communications: 01242 545 469

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