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These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2014 UCAS cycle at the 24 March deadline.
Posted Wed 2 April 2014 - 23:00

These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2014 UCAS cycle at the 24 March deadline. The 24 March deadline is applicable to some art and design courses.

These reports cover all applicants who have applied by the March deadline - including those who applied by the earlier October and January deadlines.

There are seven publications in this release. The first, Deadline Applicant Statistics: March, is a summary report. The remaining six March Deadline Analysis publications focus on a single analytical topic in detail.

All releases report the 2014 cycle in the context of a five cycle time series.


Deadline Applicant Statistics: March

March deadline applicants in the standard format as used in the October and January deadline statistical releases. It summarises applicants by domicile, country of institution and whether they are reapplying or not.

There were 612,750 applicants at the March deadline in 2014.


March Deadline Analysis: Domicile

Applicants by domicile group, country of the UK, English region and overseas country.

There were 512,660 applicants from the UK at the March deadline, 42,090 from other EU countries and 58,000 from countries outside the EU.


March Deadline Analysis: Sex and age

Applicants by sex, age and domicile.

At the March deadline there were 352,100 women and 260,650 men.


March Deadline Analysis: Reapplicants

Applicants by domicile group and whether they made an application last year.

61,560 applicants had also applied in the previous cycle.


March Deadline Analysis: Number of applications

Applicants by domicile and the number of applications they have made.

453,210 applicants made the maximum number of five applications.


March Deadline Analysis: Institution country and Tariff group

Applications by domicile of applicant, country of institution and Tariff group of institution.

In total 2,676,810 applications were made.


March Deadline Analysis: Subject

Applications by domicile of applicant, and subject group of course.

Applicants made 258,870 applications to the Creative Arts & Design subject group.


March 2014 deadline applicant statistics

March 2014 deadline analysis: domicile

March 2014 deadline analysis: sex and age

March 2014 deadline analysis: reapplicants

March 2014 deadline analysis: applications

March 2014 deadline analysis: institution country and Tariff

March 2014 deadline analysis: subjects

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