These statistical releases describe applicants and applications from the 2016 UCAS cycle at the 24 March deadline. The 24 March deadline is applicable to some art and design courses.
The release is in the same format as at the January deadline for the 2016 cycle. The tables published include applicant numbers by age, sex, country of domicile, country of institution applied to, and institution type (higher, medium and lower Tariff), as well as the number of applications (choices) by subject group.
The set of statistics covers all applications in the UCAS Undergraduate scheme.
While the majority of students apply by the 15 January ‘on time’ deadline, UCAS will send applications to universities and colleges for consideration up until 30 June. Applications received after that date go into Clearing.
January deadline applicants account for (typically) 85% of all UK domiciled applicants in a cycle and almost all (typically 97%) of 18 year old UK applicants.
Summary of statistics of applicants (283.98 KB)
Analysis of applicants by domicile (293.84 KB)
Analysis of applicants by sex and age (349.62 KB)
Analysis of applicants by reapplication status (278.09 KB)
Analysis of applicants by applications (288.12 KB)
Analysis by type and country of provider (314.18 KB)
Analysis of applications by subject group and applicant domicile (347.29 KB)
Analysis of applicants by single age (467 KB)
Analysis of applications by subject group and sex (435.6 KB)
UK 18 year old application rates (278.24 KB)