There are lots of resources on the internet that can help you find a job, successfully apply for it and perfect your interview technique.
• UCAS’ careers guides cover everything from writing your CV to how to get into specific industries.
• The BBC website features videos to help you prepare for finding a job.
What industry should you work in?
Your degree could help you get a job in particular industries. For example, a maths degree could make it easier to get a job in accountancy. Here is some advice on what careers suit your degree.
The five highest paid industries for graduates are:
• Investment banking (average salary £43,500)
• Law (£37,000)
• Financial services (£33,000)
• IT and telecommunications (£28,500)
• Energy and utilities (£27,500)
How to understand your payslip
You should get a payslip every time you are paid by your employer. It’ll be on paper or sent electronically, and will include:
• how much you have been paid before tax (your gross pay)
• any deductions from this amount like tax and National Insurance
• the amount you will receive after the deductions (your net pay)
• your name, address and National Insurance number
• details of your earnings for the current tax year
• your tax code
If you work shifts and are paid by the hour, it should also confirm how many hours you have worked and your rate of pay for them.
It’s worth checking that the amounts are correct, especially if your hours vary or you do overtime. Here’s what to check on your payslip.
What is deducted from your pay?
The following will be taken from your gross salary every month:
• Income tax.
• National Insurance, if you earn £155 a week or more.
• Student loan repayments.
• Any pension contributions you make.
Here is how much National Insurance you will pay. Income tax is only taken from what you earn above your annual personal allowance, which is £11,000 for the 2016/17 tax year.
You can work out how much you will pay and – more importantly – how much you will take home each month by entering your salary and other details into a tax calculator.
You should also check your tax code, which HMRC give you each year. It confirms the amount you can earn tax free, divided by ten. For example, 1100L would mean your tax free allowance is £11,000. A letter is added to the end – here is what each letter means.
If you find you have paid too much tax, here is how to reclaim it.
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