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Differentiate your living spaces through smart strategies that give you the competitive edge. We combine extensive data insights and unrivalled student accommodation expertise to help providers connect with the right students.

Think smart for your future

We’ll help you make smarter decisions about the future of your accommodation business, using over 30 years’ market expertise. Our discerning consultancy solutions and off-the-shelf data products will help you solve even your most complex challenges.

Understand new growth opportunities

Over 200 audience profile filters mean we can give you detailed insights about existing and new customer groups. Understand your biggest opportunities to connect with students through EXACT, and benchmark against your competition through bespoke data analysis. 

Tap into the minds of your customers

Understand exactly what your future customers want to better meet their expectations. We design and execute bespoke surveys, analyse findings, and package what we discover into easy-to-understand insights to inform your business plans.   

Understand geographical demand

Use our EXACT data service to support your investment. You can purchase bespoke CSV datasets related to undergraduate applications and provision, to understand five-year trends, market size and student interest in the areas you're exploring.
Discover more

Our new forecasting tool, University Accommodation Insights, also examines trends in HE data to project accommodation demand geographically.

Find out about this tool

Products and services


Over 30 years' experience

Over 30 years’ expertise – from data scientists, policy experts, and sector consultants – has gone into designing our intuitive data products, to help you carve out the strategies you need to succeed.
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